Peer Services
Tree of Hope provides one-on-one Peer services to those seeking a fresh start. We are engaged by treatment centers, shelter systems and local government agencies to assist in helping people connect to community, recovery paths and resources.
Assisting the recoveree in identifying barriers and creating short term goals to remove the barriers helps recoveree manage tasks. Our well trained Peers' lived experience enables them to develop and maintain a meaningful connection.
If you are interested in becoming a Recovery Coach or a Referring Agency, please click here.

Community Organizing
Tree of Hope sponsors two very important Townhalls and listservs to the Peer community. The first being the Statewide Provider townhall for Peers that meets every 2nd Thursday of the Month. Providers come on monthly to educate the Peer community on services and resources available for their recoverees. The listserv enables Recovery Coaches to find treatment and resources in real time as requests are made and Providers respond based on availability. If you would like to be added to the listserv and/or invited to the town hall, please send an email to admin@treeofhopeassn.com.

This townhall brings together Recovery Coaches in Montgomery, Prince Georges, Charles, Calvert and St. Mary's County. We come together to identify barriers in the Peer community and work as advocating as a collective to problem solve and remove those barriers. We invite the community as a whole to attend. If you would like an invitation, please send an email to admin@treeofhopeassn.com
Work Force Development
Tree of Hope (TOH) is certified by the MAPBCB State Board to provide CEUs for Peer trainings. We write our own trainings:
Self Esteem: Unpacking the Bag
Telling Your Story
Cultural Competence
CCAR Trainings (RCA, Ethics, Spirituality, Professionalism and RC and ED)
Choices Trainings (Suicide Prevention, Peer Recovery Coach training in Spanish)
TOH can also arrange by request:
Basic Microsoft Office Training
Entrepreneur training
Resume building​
Desktop publishing
Website design and management

Social Integratrion
We have Coffee Houses and dances regularly to give newcomers a safe drug and alcohol free place to socialize and have fun. These events also serve as a fundraiser for our organization. No one is turned away whether they can pay or not. Some of the events we offer are:
Game night
Coffee Houses (Talent shows)
Parade participation
Multi-pathway Speakers Jams
Annual Wellness Retreat
