Control Check-In
Sometimes when we are first starting out with our recovery journeys and sobriety we want to be in control of everything and get upset when things don't go the way we want them to. We have high expectations for how things are supposed to go and become jealous or envious when we see someone else with something we want but don't have. We have to trust that there is a plan in place for our lives and try to let go of the need to control everything.
In my personal experience, when I had high expectations for something such as getting the job I wanted, for example, and it didn't go the way I wanted to, I became very depressed and went back into a state of self-pity. As I have gotten further in my recovery journey, I have looked back on those past situations and realized that there were other plans in place for my life that would be much more beneficial for me. There is a plan in place for my life and I continue to see that plan become bigger and bigger in my day-to-day life. My recovery must never be something that is on my plate, but rather must be the plate upon which everything else in my life rests.
Here are some examples of what is in your control and what is not in your control that can be reminders for when you are struggling with letting go of a situation that isn't going the way you want it to. I am also providing a journal prompt that can help you get a better understanding of yourself and give you a time to sit with yourself and be contemplative.
Your behavior
Personal boundaries
When to walk away
Who you trust
Your words
Who respects your boundaries
The past
Outcomes of effort
Other people
The future
What are you expecting yourself to control right now? Is that fair?

Written by: Jessica Vincent