How Shared Stories Can Unite Us: Cultivating Unity in Recovery
Cultivating unity in recovery by sharing experiences and stories.

Pouring Out the Poison
Asking God for His forgiveness

The Truth Will Set You Free
Covering up what hurts us, causing us pain, will not do anything but make the problem bigger. As addicts ā especially women addicts, and...

This Poem is About Rehab
This Poem is about Rehab How good came out of bad How some of us went mad People being insane bad brains, shit's sad Some of us need to...

Mom, I just want you to know
A young woman in treatment letter her mother how her addiction changed her child's fate.

A young lady in treatment writing her farewell letter to her addiction.

I came to get my children back
I came to get my children back, once one of them had died, I came to get my children back, so heartbroken inside, I came to get my...