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A Frequent Visitor of the Tree of Hope shares her experience:

"Let's talk culture. When you step into the doors of the Tree of Hope... something takes place that cannot be described, the same way every time you enter. The culture renews itself with each visit, manifesting a feeling of peace and love for people that is rare in this era of time. The inclusiveness of the staff and community blends with the sunset to the horizon.

Harvesting this beautiful activity has been a joy for my spirit. The culture is so simple and kind. I want to thank you (the founders of the Tree of Hope) for seeing a need and fulfilling it. Supplying tender loving care to the equation and grace.

The beautiful culture at the Tree of Hope is like no other. It comes in many different varieties. I see it as being culturally flexible, and that's a wonderful asset to society. We need social resources that balance us in a way that supports institutions and individuals. TREE of HOPE does a great job in all areas

The culture at the Tree of Hope breathes life into the lives of many. It's arms reach long and wide holding on like a family tradition made up of pure love and dedication. A behavior that becomes second nature out of passion and love of what you do.

If you love life and learning, stop by the Tree of Hope to get a cup of culture to brighten your day."

With Love,

Mrs. Karen C


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30 Courthouse Square

Ste. G1

Rockville, MD 20850

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(240) 390-6405

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