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The Tree Needs Hope, Not Dope

We were viewing the tree in the back

of Avery Road named The Tree of Hope.

We noticed the leaves were dead,

I noticed that was the only one, and I

think it was a symbol to hope, for it to be said.

That tree has to stand for the

shoes in that tree.

It's there dedicated to the people that have

been at Avery Road for you and me.

That tree is for the times that people

have been here, oh yes.

To the dedication of our program to the

people we helped and they were blessed.

Those shoes mean a lot to this place,

to their time as it's meant.

We keep that tree and those shoes,

and now they are there and they represent.

When you notice that tree symbol,

Remember there is a place to get help

and get resources to your life

to cope.

Written by: Sheena Novak Alston
(a.k.a. Sheena Da Cleana)


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